There are 17 nonprofits in East Chatham, New York.

Name EIN Income Assets
Alliance for International Womens Rights 342047056 $0 $0
East Chatham Fire Company Incorporated 141699058 $185,435 $1,747,807
George Rickey Foundation Incorporated 141768291 $180,915 $567,018
Global Film Network Incorporated 141794186 $0 $0
Grange Patrons of Husbandry New York State Grange Incorporated 237214376 $0 $0
Grange Patrons of Husbandry New York State Grange Incorporated 237213366 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 141804238 $0 $0
Karuna Tendai Dharma Center 141781953 $0 $0
Lagniappe Foundation Incorporated 562541990 $50 $1
Order of the Amaranth Incorporated 237614472 $0 $0
Quaker Intentional Village Project 161588457 $0 $0
Red Pine Ridge Incorporated 202635787 $289,093 $209,952
Red Rock Historical Society 141827566 $0 $0
Red Rock Volunteer Fire Company Incorporated 043731008 $56,017 $740,634
Studio at Brickhousefarm Incorporated 202674611 $10 $6,080
The Society of New Concord 141644251 $0 $0
Veillette-nifosi Foundation Incorporated 141800600 $297,376 $571,605